The mostCONVENIENT AND SECURE WEBSITE for consolidating schools payments

How it Works

One of our favorite things about the platform is seeing how groups are using it on a daily basis. The platform is intentionally flexible, allowing account administrators to create almost any type of event or item that they need to accept funds for, while also providing the ability to complete signup forms, permission slips, volunteer or committee information.

Most importantly, however, is the security behind the platform. All fund and information transfers are done by a secure, 256-bit SSL encryption. Funds are deposited into their organization's bank account, going directly from the platform to the accepting bank — no pit stops or third party transfers allowed.

Additionally, all payments are secured by, which is the industry's leading provider of online payment solutions. You can rest easy knowing that once you've made your payment or submitted your forms, everything will arrive at its destination quickly and securely.

Administrators will no longer need to worry about having hundreds (maybe thousands!) of dollars in cash and checks and forms being carried around town by a PTO or PTA member, and parents will have peace of mind knowing that their child isn't going to forget or lose their field trip money or permission slip between the car and the classroom.

For more information on our processes and technology, check out the Features and Costs page or our Frequently Asked Questions.