Another summer gone, another school year has arrived! Some people are already counting down the days till summer arrives again, which means they get to sleep in!
With another year underway, school dues will be needing paid. Keep track of the payment dates with the updated 2022 – 2023 Payment Schedule.
All funds are released on Wednesdays for the previous week’s transactions starting on Sunday through Saturday. Descriptors on your funding will be as ‘P4S(date – ex: 8.10)’.
If you ever have any funding issues or questions please feel free to reach out to us by email or phone:

Don’t forget that if your schools extracurricular activities programs host fundraisers, have uniform/equipment costs, recitals, performances, concessions, even spirit wear sales; let us know! We can assist your school in accepting card payments for various occasions!
Hello, could you help me how can I buy the uniforms?
What school/organization is it that you are needing to order uniforms from? Hopefully I can get you a contact email and/or phone number that can better assist you!
I need the uniforms Jay M Robinson middle school , uniforms “spirit wear”
Please contact Melissa Graham at either her email: [email protected] or phone number: 980-613-0052 for any further assistance on how you can get the ‘spirit wear’ ordered!