Here are 10 ways you can help your home or office space become more organized!
- Break up your tasks into smaller tid-bits to do at a time
- Make checklists and/or To-Do Lists
- Set Calendar and Time Management
- Establish a Daily Routine
- Find suitable organizers that fit your home and space
- Maybe color code!
- Have fun with word play (Never Eat Soggy Waffles for North, South, East, and West)
- Create uplifting desk organization
- Do regular backpack checks
- Talk and learn to Plan Ahead!
Read more on the tips and tricks to helping get your home and office space more organized: https://www.understood.org/en/articles/10-tips-to-help-get-your-child-organized
My biggest problem is not necessarily taking them time to gather everything together and getting it all organized, but keeping it organized! Especially in my household with all boys, that is a struggle on its own! The biggest tip I have had to slowly learn in time is to seriously keep consistent in my goal to stay organized and not to become lazy. It can be hard to do after long work days and errands that always seem to pop up. Here are a few other tips and tricks I have had taken into effect in my own home and workplace:
- Placing my keys in the same spot everyday (Key hooks are the best in my opinion)
- Keeping track on a BIG calendar and color coding the tasks/people
- Give myself one bigger task daily to accomplish; laundry, dishes, toys/playroom
- Cleaning out my purse, wallet, or pocketbook at least once a week
- Download a budgeting app (this one can hit you to your gut)
- Schedule YOU time! Everyone deserves the mental break from life’s stressors
- Keeping a small notepad and pen/calendar on me at all times
- Planning meals and outfits a few days in advance
- Put everything away IMMEDIATELY!! (Otherwise you know you’re going to say I can do that later and not…)
- Labeling or buying Colored Bins for each person in your home
Meal planning is one of my worst enemies, even though I know it is the smartest thing to do in many ways. Not only does it reduce the chance of over spending at the grocery store. It also helps when coming home and not having to stress about what’s for dinner. The thought of meal planning though in itself can be stressful and tiring. Check out these awesome meal planning ideas that are simple and easy for anyone to follow and adjust to their dietary needs!
Maybe try downloading a Meal Planning App on your phone that can help you at the tip of your fingers! This site shares the best meal planning apps for your type of household, including vegetarians and if you are on a Fitness journey!

Purging can be scary, especially if you are one of those people who get attached to material things easily. Even though it is scary, it is needed from time to time. Purging and decluttering will make you feel much better once its all done, you wont even notice those items missing. Not quite sure where to start though? Try starting small and clean out those pesky junk drawers first. You seriously don’t need all of those sauce packets 😀 Take it one step at a time and soon you will be decluttered in no time! Also, consider having a yard sale, or if you don’t want to got through that hassle, donate! There are so many organizations that will not turn down donations! Check out these tips to help get you started:
Now that you have everything you’re ready to let go but not sure what to do with it? You can trash the things you know aren’t quite good enough to even donate. People in all walks of life, even the homeless, deserve to have untattered and extremely worn out things! You can also host a yard sale. Make it simple and bulk your things in set price ranges and separate them out in your yard based off the price you would like to get for those items. Of course be reasonable and don’t be afraid to take less. You want to get rid of those things anyways! Getting anything monetarily back on them is purely benefit for you.
A great way to purge those things and know you are doing a good deed, is to donate them to organizations and charities in your area. We all know Goodwill is a big one, but maybe look into your local churches, county affiliations, and homeless or battered women’s and children’s shelters! Habit for Humanity has Resale Stores that accept furniture and appliances, including cabinets and light fixtures. Salvation Army is also a good organization.
Need help finding local organizations and charities in your area to donate your items too, check out this site for more resources: https://hunger.navi.vanguardcharitable.org/?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=mappingtool&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgIfl_rmo-QIVBCmzAB1QFQGZEAMYAiAAEgIH_fD_BwE
We would love to know what other tips and tricks you may have that helped you with your household and/or workplace organization!!! Share them in the comments below! Know of a great charitable organization in your area and want to share that with others, put it in the comments!
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