Veteran’s Day is a day that we honor those men and women who have served our country, the sacrifices they have endured, and for their fight for our freedom and rights.
November 11th was classified an official National Holiday back in 1938, and in 1954 the name of the holiday was changed to Veteran’s day. Many people throughout the United States celebrate and observe this holiday in many different ways. Some will host parades, cookouts or block parties, but a nationwide known observance is to have 2 minutes of silence. This silence is recognized so we can take the brief moment on this day to remember the service and sacrifices many of people men and women have made for this country. This moment of silence is typically held at 2:11pm on this day.
Other ways you can observe this holiday could be:
- Buy a Veteran a meal or coffee
- See if a Veteran may be speaking at a local organization such as your library and listen to their story
- Host a care-package party – this is to make care packages for either Veterans you may know could be struggling financially or homeless. You could also make care packages for those current active military personnel over seas that would love a small package from ‘home’.
- Support Veteran owned business
- Visit a VA Hospital or nursing home facility
- Thank a Veteran with a heartfelt handshake or hug (if they are ok with that)
- Make a donation/volunteer with organizations who support veterans
- Write a letter/video
- Children in school typically will host a Veteran’s Day celebration and may request you to send in a picture of a Veteran in your family for them to Honor.
There are a thousand other ways you can help support these men and women who have served our country. Get together with others in your community and host your own Veteran’s Day Meal train. Nothing says love and thanks more than a homecooked meal!
“The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.”
– Benjamin Disraeli
November also hosts National Book Lover’s Day on Saturday November 6, 2022.
Pick up a good read, relax, and enjoy the words rushing through your brain creating a new world for you to explore!
May need help finding a genre of book you may like, ask your local librarians. They are an amazing resource to help pick your brain on what kind of story you may enjoy the best. Such as fantasy, novels, action, fairytales, and more.
We all know what is the best thing to happen in November though is right? You know, THANKSGIVING!
“In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.” – https://www.history.com/topics/thanksgiving/history-of-thanksgiving
This day is typically known for the feast of amazing food that is made by the loving members of our family. Family gathers, watches football and the Macy’s Day Parade, stuff ourselves beyond full, and enjoy a few good laughs and memories. Thanksgiving is a day that we celebrate to be thankful for the many blessings we may have in our lives.
There are those that are not as fortunate. They still have many reasons to be thankful and are blessed in ways we may not understand in our own lives. A good way to celebrate this holiday is by sharing. This doesn’t necessarily just mean by us sharing our food, but our kindness and grace as well. A great way to show our thankfulness and blessings is to support our neighbors in all walks of life. Donate clothing and living essentials to your local food bank and shelters. Offer your time to volunteer at a food pantry or soup kitchen. Bless those around us who may just be sitting in hard times with small means that can change there day.

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